1 - Name
The website is published by the company Fête Impériale SAS, a simplified joint stock company under French law with a capital of 244,868.56 €, whose registered office is located at 28 rue du Roi de Sicile, 75004 PARIS and registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 809 383 664.
SIREN 809 383 664
SIRET 809 383 664 000 20
Intracommunity VAT number FR 56809383664

Unique Refashion identifier: FR252954_11HVLJ
REP Identifier: FR252954_01SLQG

2 - Hosting

The site is hosted by Shopify Inc. whose head office is located at 126 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5, Canada.
Phone number: 1-888-746-7439

3 - Contact
By mail : Fête Impériale 28 rue du Roi de Sicile, 75004 PARIS
By phone : 01 57 40 69 30
By email :
By the form in the Contact section

4 - Direction of the publication
The director of the publication is Mrs Laura Gauthier Petit, president of the company Fête Impériale SAS.

5 - Privacy policy and collection of personal data
For information on the conditions of use of your data and your rights, please visit our privacy policy.

6 - Intellectual property
This site is the property of Fête Impériale SAS. All the elements of the website (whether textual, visual or audio...), are the exclusive property of Fête Impériale SAS or the holder of the intellectual property rights concerned and are as such protected by the code of intellectual property and copyright. Consequently, they cannot be reproduced, exploited or used for any purpose whatsoever.